
After admiring these grills for a couple years now, we have acquired a pair of YS640s from the Smoker Broker, the Canadian distributor of Yoder grills.  


YS640 with competition cart

YS640 with competition cart







These grills are exceptionally well built, with the best heat retention and flexibility in the industry.  They were designed with feedback from accomplished cooks like Andy Groneman right from the start.


Rob and his new Yoders

Rob is no stranger to pellet grills, with 5 different models already in his arsenal for use at home, in demos, competition, and classes.  “This is the one we’re excited about most” says Rob.  Pellet grills offer a great deal of convenience, flexibility, and most importantly – flavour.

The grills include the direct Grill Grate option, which allows for direct grilling at temperatures over 800 degrees. Performance at low temperatures is also to be stellar.

To see the evidence of their performance, one has to look no further than our friends at House of Q, who switched to a YS1500 in early 2014 and had the competition season of their career – Canadian Team of the Year and World Rib Champions.

If our first few cooks are any indication,  it’s going to be a delicious year!

First cook on the Yoder: Spatchcocked turkey

First cook on the Yoder: Spatchcocked turkey

2nd cook on the Yoder: AAA striploins

2nd cook on the Yoder: AAA striploins

3rd cook on the Yoder: grill-fried chicken and biscuits

3rd cook on the Yoder: grill-fried chicken and biscuits

More information:

Yoder Smokers  www.yodersmokers.com

Smoker Broker   Www.smokerbroker.ca

Prairie Smoke and Spice BBQ  www.prairiebbq.com